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  • On-campus Workshop

    Global Centre for Asian Women’s Health ( is excited to announce the Healthy Lifestyle and Diet Coaching Workshop, taking place on the NUS campus!

    Register Now

    Registration for the workshop is complimentary.


    This workshop aims to empower attendees with the knowledge and skills to make exercise enjoyable, achieve personal fitness goals across all stages of life, and make healthier food choices while relishing every bite. Whether you're beginning your wellness journey or a seasoned culinary enthusiast, there's something here for everyone!


    Don’t miss out on this enriching experience towards a healthier you! Let's embark on this journey together towards a healthier and flavourful lifestyle!


    For inquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



    Participant registration

    Soft Opening Ceremony of Women’s Health Conference 2024

    Preventing female cancers from understanding phenotypes to improving populational care

    • Prof Heather Eliassen (Harvard University)
    • Prof Melissa L. Bondy (Stanford University)

    Coffee break
    Flash Oral presentations

    Feature talk: Lancet’s commitment to women’s health
    Speaker: Dr Helena Hui Wang (Lancet)

    Women's Health in the Context of Environmental Challenges and Social Inequalities

    • Prof Clarisse Berthezène (Harvard University, Université Paris Cité)
    • Prof Elie Azria (Université Paris Cité)
    • Prof Marcia Castro (Harvard University)
    • A/Prof Jason Kai Wei Lee (National University of Singapore)

    Lunch break & Poster presentations

    Malnutrition in Asian population
    Chair: Prof Christiani Jeyakumar Henry (National University of Singapore)

    • Prof Christiani Jeyakumar Henry (National University of Singapore)
    • Prof Chittaranjan S. Yajnik (KEM hospital, India)
    • Prof Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy (National University of Malaysia)

    Feature talk: Precision Nutrition Approach to Improve Women’s health and longevity
    Speaker: Prof Frank Hu (Harvard University)

    Coffee break

    Panel Discussion: Women’s health at the elderly stage
    Chaired by the Tsao Foundation


    Participant registration

    Opening ceremony of the Conference and GloW-UPC Global Partnership

    Coffee break

    Feature talk: Invest in Women’s health
    Speaker: Prof Michelle A. Williams (Harvard University)

    Panel discussion: World Economic Forum Session

    Addressing Disparities in Women's Health Across Asia: A Holistic Life-Course Perspective
    Moderator: Prof Michelle A. Williams (Harvard University)
    Welcoming remarks: Prof Cuilin Zhang (National University of Singapore)
    Opening remarks: Mrs Amira Ghouaibi (World Economic Forum)
    Closing remarks: Mrs Ghouaibi, Prof Williams and Zhang

    • Mrs Sahil Tesfu (Essity)
    • Dr Lucy Perez (McKinsey)
    • Dr Sanjana Bhardwaj (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
    • Mr Kirk C Kee (Temasek)
    • Prof Yap Seng Chong (National University of Singapore)

    Lunch break & Poster Presentation

    Challenges Faced by Women with CVD in Low-and-Middle Incomes Countries
    Chair: Prof Alexandre Mebazaa

    • Dr Tangeni Auala (Windhoek Central Hospital, Namibia)
    • Dr Irina Mbanze (Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique)
    • Prof Neusa Jessen (Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique)
    • Prof Salem Abdessalem (La Rabta University Hospital, Tunisia)
    • Prof Leila Abid (University Sfax, Tunisia)
    • Dr Novi Tham (Dr Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Indonesia)

    Coffee Break

    Spices, Aromatics, and the Asian Plant-Forward Kitchen: Culinary Strategies for Optimal Family Nutrition (cooking demonstration)

    • Mr Greg Drescher (The Culinary Institute of America)
    • Chef Mai Pham (Star Ginger Restaurants, USA)

    Participant registration

    Feature talk: Studies of diet and women’s health: methodologic considerations
    Speaker: Prof Walter Willett (Harvard University)

    Emerging lifestyle and risk factors for women’s health

    • Prof Miguel A. Martínez-González (Universidad de Navarra, Spain)
    • Prof Eva Schernhammer (Medical University of Vienna, Harvard University)
    • Dr Juliana Antero (INSEP, France)
    • Prof Henning Tiemeier (Harvard University)

    Coffee break

    Innovative methodology in longitudinal studies

    • Dr Paul S. Albert (National Institute of Health, USA)
    • Asst Prof Shruthi Mahalingaiah (Harvard University)
    • A/Prof Qi Sun (Harvard University)

    Innovations and emerging technologies in women’s health

    • Prof Yves Ville (Paris Descartes University)

    Lunch break & Poster presentations

    Advancements in Women's Health Prevention and Treatment

    • Prof Edouard Lecarpentier (Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, France)
    • Ms McKenna Smet (Elite Wellness Performance and Recovery, USA)

    Women’s reproductive health and pregnancy complications

    • Prof Rong Li (Peking University Third Hospital)
    • Prof Vassilis Tsatsaris (Université Paris Cité)
    • Prof Catherine Deneux (Université Paris Cité)
    • Prof Qiao Jie (Peking University)

    Coffee break

    Panel Discussion: Low fertility rates across the world: can we reverse it?

    • Prof Hiromi Komiya (Fukushima Medical University)
    • Asst Prof Huang Zhongwei (National University of Singapore)
    • Prof Pietro Santulli (Université Paris Cité)
    • Prof Qiao Jie (Peking University)
    • Prof Jung Ryeol Lee (Seoul National University)

    Closing ceremony